Sunday, 14 October 2012

Travels 2012 - Day 4 - Cork Street

Day 4 and we headed back into London and we bump into Jon Gershon, an artist we used to know before moving to Spain. We decide to join him to go to Cork Street, where the annual breakfast and Champaign happens during the Frieze week. This year a protest was planned as all the galleries are threatened with closure,  to make way for expensive apartments. So in complete sympathy we visited the galleries, signed the petition, had the breakfast, and met up with other old artist friends (see Mali in the photo)
With Mali in Cork St

Me outside the Flowers Gallery in Cork Street

Then we were off to Marshall street to try some Indian street food at Masala Zone, but not before Marisol had bought a must have pair of shoes at the amazing Irregular Choice, as a birthday present. To get an idea of the kind of shoes see
 this photo!!
The Irregular Choice in Carnaby Street

Later we arrived in Epsom for a dinner with friends, which was number 3 of Marisol's birthday celebrations. There are a few more to go,  in London, Dubai, Delhi and Bangkok.

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